System of evaluation

System of evaluation for Brněnská růže in cooperation with SKF ČR (The Florists Association of the Czech Republic) (Evaluation according to the FEUPF 100-points system)

Arrangements are evaluated by the jury in four primary categories – idea, colour, composition, and technique. The first three categories are inevitably evaluated by each of the judges individually without mutual agreement in order to avoid mutual influence of the evaluators. Technique categories are the only ones which are evaluated by all the judges together in a group. Following criteria are evaluated in particular categories:

A) Idea (0 – 10 points)

  • originality, uniqueness, creativity of the arrangement
  • interpretation of the given task / theme/ work
  • choice of the material and work with the chosen material
  • range of the arrangement corresponding to the time and conditions given / completeness of the arrangement

B) Colour (0 – 10 points)

  • proportions / dominance of the used colours
  • expression of the idea in colours
  • composition of colours (contrast, harmony, intensity of colours)
  • layout of colours

C) Composition (0 – 10 points)

  • general impression (shape, form, proportions, visual stableness)
  • style
  • choice, dominance and the way of using the material (form, texture, structure, contrast, rhythm, move, line, directions, etc.)
  • respect for the material

When technique categories are evaluated, the head of the jury obtains an auxiliarypoint chart for evaluating technique of the arrangements into which he or she writes the points that all members of the jury agree on. Therefore the evaluation is more detailed than in the three previous categories. The category is divided into 5 factors and an evaluation scale 0 – 2 points is used. When only dried flowers are used in the discipline, the category is only divided into 4 factors and an evaluation scale 0 – 2 or 0 – 3 points is used. The total sum of this category has to reach 0 – 10 points. All members of the jury evaluate together in a group.

Finally, the head of the jury add the points in the auxiliary point chart and dictate the eventual totals to all evaluators. They write the same totals into their own point charts. Following factors are considered in the technique category:

D1) Technique for fresh flowers (the total of all factors makes 0 – 10 points)

  • cleanness of the arrangement (evaluators can give from 0 to 2 points)
  • suitability of the technique used (0 – 2 points)
  • stableness of the arrangement (firm anchorage to the framework, firm tie) and physical stableness (balance of the arrangement, e.g. in case of cascade bridal bouquets, etc.) (0 – 2 points)
  • possibility to supply sufficiently the arrangement with water (considering technique and type of the arrangement, does not necessarily apply e.g. for bridal bouquets) (0 – 2 points)
  • technical complexity, level of the arrangement, elaboration, etc. (0 – 2 points)

D2) Technique for dried and artificial flowers (the total of all factors makes 0 – 10 points)

  • cleanness of the arrangement (evaluators can give from 0 to 2 points)
  • suitability of the technique used (0 – 3 points)
  • stableness of the arrangement (firm anchorage to the framework, firm tie) and physical stableness (balance of the arrangement, e.g. in case of cascade bridal bouquets, etc.) (0 – 2 points)
  • technical complexity, level of the arrangement, elaboration ,etc. (0 – 3 points)

Total evaluation

All members of all evaluating committees have to meet together before the beginning of the very competition to make each other understood in advance on the coefficients that the judges will use to recount total marks gained from the evaluators. When a category is evaluated, each member of the jury hands in a signed point table that will be processed by a computer. During the evaluation all evaluators of the given discipline only give 0 to 10 points in four categories, always in whole numbers. Each evaluator actually only gives 40 points, not 100, as it is noted above in the name of the evaluation system. The set coefficients, which have been already mentioned, are used for recounting of the points. They can be set in advance and in various values in the computer programme. It is possible to differentiate between individual categories (A – D) then, for instance according to national traditions. As soon as the results are filled in the table, the computer program recounts the results according to the coefficients and makes a total sum of the maximum of 100 points (see Chart 1)

Chart 1 – Evaluated categories, way of evaluating, number of points and set coefficients.

Categories Evaluation of the Jury Points Coefficient
A – Idea Individually 20 points 2
B - Colour Individually 10 points 1
C - Composition Individually 20 points 2
D - Technique In a group 50 points 5
Totaly 100 points


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